educational travel from a to z

Every Student
Should Travel

Discover safe and enriching student travel with A-Z Travels. For expert planning and 24/7 support, contact us to request more information.

An educational, customizable trip to Washington, D.C. can encompass guided tours of key landmarks, museum visits, a cultural excursion, and more!

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page”

United States


US National Parks


Central & South America

Asia & the Middle East

Plan Now.

Pay Later.

ready to take your students on a life-changing trip?

We will work with you to find the best choices and pricing for your class trips and student travel. We are dedicated to helping every student travel.

Not All Classrooms Have Four Walls.

Why struggle planning a class trip?

A-Z Travels will immerse your school/class trip group into an educational travel experience and a world of new learning experiences.

your own personal tour manager

A-Z Travels will customize, personalize and manage every aspect of your school/class trip to ensure a flawless experience.

safety is our first priority

At A-Z Travels our priority is paying attention to every detail of your class trip that assures a safe and satisfying student travel experience.

we’re with you from a to z

simple planning & budget​

We’ll work with you to find the best choices and priceing for your class trips and student travel.

preparation & excitement

The A-Z Travels team has decades in the industry, meaning we know the in’s and out’s to help you prepare.

once in a lifetime trip!

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it’s old dimentions.”​

Every Student Should Travel

A-Z Travels is dedicated to help every student on their path to global citizenship.