Scholarships & Fundraising

Are you dreaming of your next adventure?
A-Z Travels want to ensure we help each student’s dream of travel become a reality.

It has never been more evident the benefits and positive impact student travel and socialization have on our youth.

“A loss of routine for many students, social isolation, and feelings of loneliness increase the risk of mental illness, yet 86 percent note the barrier they see keeping students from traveling is rooted in financial reasons.”

Now more than ever, financial setbacks may be a factor in keeping students from broadening their horizons through travel. Parents, doctors and teachers alike, believe that the opportunity to travel enhances the lives of our students. 

A-Z Travels is dedicated to help students find ways to bridge the financial gap.  We believe “Every Student Should Travel”.  Below are helpful resources that can help facilitate your next class trip.

Helpful Resources for your next class trip

A-Z Travels

Request More Information
At A-Z Travels we recognize that the best pathway towards global citizenship is through travel. A-Z Travels is dedicated to helping students see the world by offering varying scholarships based upon the need of the student. We believe “Every Student Should Travel”.

SYTA - Student & Youth Travel Association

Scholarship Information
“The Student & Youth Travel Association (SYTA) is the premier association of businesses dedicated to providing life enhancing travel experiences to students and young people”.

School Guidance Office

The first place you or your teacher should visit is the guidance office. Counselors may have information to financial aid and scholarship possibilities for your next class trip.

Sports Pledges

If you are a member of your local sports team or just a keen observer, ask a coach to partner with you to set up a pledge drive.

Local Organizations & Community Centers

Local leaders understand the benefits of inspiring future leaders. Reach out to local organizations and ask if they will offer scholarships or grants for your class trip.

  • The PTA (Parents & Teachers Association at school)
  • Local medical facilities and banks
  • Companies involved in education
  • Rotary clubs and Lion’s Club may be helpful and serve as a great partner is future student travel
  • Local youth organizations and foundations – YMCA’s, Boys / Girls Scouts, etc
  • Educational publications and websites (who publishes your yearbook)

There are many platforms available to help you raise money for your trip. Be creative and write a good description that outlines why travel is so important to you.

Social Media Platforms

Create your own campaign through your Instagram, Twitter or Facebook account that allows family and friends to donate directly to you.

Host an Event

Ask local restaurants to donate what they can and invite everyone from your school to spaghetti dinner night! Or host a car wash on the weekend at your school. Ask the principal to open the gymnasium for movie night or a dance off, you name it, the options are limitless.

Plan Now.

Pay Later.

ready to take your students on a life-changing trip?

We will work with you to find the best choices and pricing for your class trips and student travel. We are dedicated to helping every student travel.

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